Professional development

In-service training for teachers and other education professionals

We have many years experience of working with teachers and other education professionals across Europe and the wider world. Over more than 20 years we have supported thousands of teachers in developing their expertise and skills.  We have the networks which enable teachers to get first hand experience of schools in England and contact with experienced teachers in the UK. We offer professional development opportunities for education administrators, headteachers, school principals, individual teachers and other school staff. A major feature of all Merganser opportunities is that they offer the opportunity to visit and spend time in local schools: all the schools visits will demonstrate examples of excellent current practice. We know our partner schools well and work closely with teachers and headteachers to provide the best possible experience for our visitors.
We met nice, engaged and passionate teachers both in the schools and within the group. Comment from a Course Member
  Erasmus+ Erasmus+ is the European Union scheme which offers funding support for exciting opportunities for school education staff from the 28 countries of the EU as well as those from Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and Norway. Many of our courses and opportunities are designed with Erasmus+ funding in mind. Merganser offers courses as well as other opportunities and training events for teachers, headteachers and other school staff. We are based in and around the beautiful world heritage city of Bath and the historic city of Bristol in the south west of England. In-service training for schools is an important feature of Erasmus+ and comes under Key Action 1 (KA1). Under this programme individuals can no longer apply, only institutions. The application takes the form of a mobility project within the context of a European Development Plan for the institution.
I especially liked the interesting conversations in English about schooling, aims, politics etc. The school visits were also very interesting. Comment from a Course Member
  Merganser Opportunities and Courses We are extremely flexible in our approach and are able to offer bespoke courses, training events and opportunities to meet your needs and interests responding to your European Development Plan. Job shadowing opportunities in local primary and secondary schools are available. We offer our popular training courses on several themes. All courses can include a significant English language element if required. Each course is designed to align with Erasmus+ programme criteria. We offer courses and workshops on themes such as:
  • Inclusive Teaching and Special Educational Needs
  • New Initiatives in Teaching, Learning and Classroom Management
  • Developing a European Dimension in your School
  • Leadership and Management specifically for Headteachers and school leaders.
  • Assessment, target setting and self evaluation in the UK Education System
  • Education in the heritage city of Bath with a focus on citizenship, history or geography
To see dates of upcoming courses and detailed programmes please visit the School Education Gateway To discuss how we can respond to your requirements please get in touch by e-mailing:   Mobility Projects and your European Development Plan Under a mobility project, funding is available for teachers, school leaders and other school staff to participate in structured courses or training events abroad.   A mobility (including course attendance) has to:
  • Be framed within a European Development Plan
  • Respond to clearly identified staff development needs
  • Be accompanied by appropriate selection, preparation and follow-up measures
  • Ensure that the learning outcomes of participating staff are properly recognised
  • Ensure that the learning outcomes are disseminated and widely used within the organisation
  • Last a minimum of 2 days, excluding travel time
  Please contact us if you would like help or guidance with your European Development plan. The Merganser team can help you structure your school’s plan to meet the EU criteria as well as your individual school’s needs. Each plan will be unique and we can show you how our training opportunities can match your requirements.
I enjoyed the course because it was a very important experience for me as I had the chance to learn the educational system of other European countries, to cultivate my European consciousness and to practice my English. Comment from a Course Member
  Applying for Funding Deadlines are currently once a year, in early February.  Funding is available for course fees, travel and subsistence and under Erasmus+ a school can apply for support for preparation and monitoring. Schools need to apply through the national agency of their own country. The national agency is also able to offer advice and information on the new programme. Webinars and information days about Erasmus + may also be on offer, from your national agency. Before being able to apply for funding a school needs to register on the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS). Our PIC number is 945380528. Application forms and guidance on the application process are available from each Erasmus + national agency. A Note About BREXIT Following the General Election it is now clear that the UK will leave the European Union at the end of January 2020. At Merganser Consulting we continue to be committed to European and wider international collaboration, whatever the wider political structures.  The UK government has made a number of policy statements that they want to see the continuation and future development of international collaboration, particularly in the field of education.  Our view at Merganser is that this is essential for the future of our young people.  In practical terms this means that we (and the schools that work with us) will be doing everything we can to continue to welcome teachers and young people to the UK.  The City of Bath, where we are based, has a tradition of international collaboration reaching back hundreds of years.  One way or another, this will continue and flourish in the years to come! The existing arrangements will continue until the end of December 2020, through the one year “transition period”.  Our understanding is that collaborative education arrangements will be one of the topics that will be negotiated during the transition period.  During this period individual National Agencies in countries that are sending students may take a particular stance, but we will continue to warmly welcome teachers. This note will be updated as the situation evolves. It was last updated on 18th December 2019.